Tennessee parenting plans grant both parents “the right to unimpeded telephone conversations with the child at least twice a week at reasonable times and for reasonable durations.” This is pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 36-6-101. This also requires that the parent exercising his/her parenting time provide the other parent with a working telephone number so that the child can be reached at the designated times and days.

If you do not have a Tennessee parenting plan in place, it is still advisable that you allow communication between the child and other parent through phone calls, texting, Facebook or other social media, email, etc., as long as communication is appropriate and not harmful to the child. Remember that your child has two parents, and he or she loves you both. Also, keep in mind that, if you are restricting the other parent’s access to the child unnecessarily, that could be used against you in court.

If you believe you have reason to limit contact, please discuss this with your attorney and consider filing a motion in your divorce or custody case to let the judge know your reasoning.

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